Gnome October 20, 2023

A Dark Theme Guide for Gnome

A full dark theme guide for Gnome desktop & Firefox Web browser


Here I assuming you have read the passage of Arch Linux Install on Laptop with Minimal Gnome, which lists a necessary collection for basic Gnome to install firstly.

/* basic gnome installation */
$ sudo pacman -S gdm gnome-control-center gnome-keyring gnome-shell gnome-terminal xdg-user-dirs

/* additional gnome installation: for an integratal dark theme */
$ sudo pacman -S gnome-tweak xdg-desktop-portal-gnome gnome-themes-extra

Even though these packages are exclusive to Arch Linux, you are also guaranteed to find them (maybe slightly different names, though) in the official repositories of your distribution. Refer to the official document of your OS.

Configurations for Gnome

Open Settings - Choose Appearance - Switch to Dark Style


Notice: Due to the libadwaita issue, the Nautilus (Gnome Files) and Settings are not covered by the dark mode of Gnome Settings by default, you need to additionally install xdg-desktop-portal-gnome to make the dark mode integral.

Open Tweaks - Choose Appearance - Choose Adwaita-dark under Legacy Application


Adwaita-dark is for gnome-terminal mainly.

Make sure the Gnome Files and gnome-terminal are indeed in dark mode.


Configuration for Firefox

Although I wrote Firefox here, the add-ons and themes are also available for Chromium and Chrome.

For the add-on: I recommend Dark Reader


For the theme: I recommend Dark Fox Turns out in the newest version of Gnome, only these two following themes carry out a completely dark theme. For Dark Fox, even if it’s my favourite before, it fails to make the configuration windows dark.


Extra Bonus

An old school profile for gnome-terminal


Copyright: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

Author: Benny

Posted on: October 20, 2023